“Treat all Nigerians as Boko Haram suspects,” Buratai’s new order to soldiers. The Chief of Army Staff, Tukur Buratai, has ordered troops involved in counter-insurgency operations...
After DJ Cuppy jumped into an Ocean, the video got her Father, Otedola, Naira Marley’s attention who made serious reaction. Florence Ifeoluwa Otedola, One of the...
Jonathan has spoken on contesting 2023 election after meeting APC governors. OnyxNews Nigeria reports that the former president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, has disclosed that his meeting...
The outcome Of Sunday night FG meeting with NLC over fuel price increase has come up. OnyxNews Nigeria reports that the Organised Labour on Sunday walked out of...
What Borno Govt Said On Reports Of Attack On Governor Zulum’s Convoy By Boko Haram. The Borno State Government has dismissed media reports claiming there was...