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#Nigeriaat61: Happy Independence Day Quotes And Patriotic Messages



#Nigeriaat61: Happy Independence Day Quotes And Patriotic Messages can be accessed below.

A great collection of patriotic messages and Independence Day quotes have been shared by Onyxnewsng.

Independence Day Quotes
Independence Day Quotes

Independence days are celebrated annually in respect and remembrance of the long-awaited freedom of the country. It is a national holiday. It is a time to feel pride and to show respect for every freedom fighter that have shed their blood for their country’s freedom.


Freedom is not something that the oppressor will give you just because they suddenly feel like they have to. We have to fight for it, and we will keep fighting till our last breath.



Every human being is born free. Why do we have to fight for our freedom then? Embrace your inner freedom and never let anyone take it from you. It’s yours and yours only.



How can we talk about peace when we don’t have independence? Peace is not possible without it. Let’s raise our glasses for being free and at peace. We have fought for this, so let’s celebrate this wonderful moment!


Freedom means not being afraid of standing up for yourself. Independence is the most valuable thing in the world, so stiffen up that upper lip and fight for your right to be independent.

Independence Day Quotes
Independence Day Quotes


Being free doesn’t mean that you will have your freedom forever. You have to defend it till your last breath, so everyone knows that they shouldn’t mess with you and your independence.

Freedom is something that has to be demanded. We can’t take it for granted. We’ve earned the right to be free, so let’s raise our glasses for another hundred years of freedom!***We have shown courage. We let go off our fears and fought for our freedom. We’ve earned the right to celebrate, so let’s show the whole world how proud we are to be free! Happy Independence Day!



Freedom doesn’t have a skin colour or gender. Freedom is for everyone, no matter who you are or what you do. Let’s celebrate the equality and keep fighting for freedom for every single person in this world.


Freedom is a basic human right, and it’s important for people to know that they are free. It’s the most important part of our existence. Cheers to the ones who fought for our freedom and for the ones who will carry it through ages.



Being free means being able to change the world. We are proud to say that our independence gives us an opportunity to make positive changes every single day. Cheers to that!


We fought for the independence and sovereignty of our home. The feeling of freedom fills my heart with so much satisfaction and pride, I can’t be more thankful to everyone who participated in this battle for freedom. Happy Independence Day!



Sovereignty of our nation has always been very important to every single one of us. Let’s celebrate this Independence Day and raise our glasses for everyone who has fought for it. Cheers!



A human being cannot live without freedom. We earned the right to be free and prosperous, to call this country our home. Let’s always remember everyone who fought for our peace. Happy Independence Day!


Today we celebrate every citizen of our country. You made our independence possible. You made this amazing life possible. Thank you for always caring for the future of our nation. Happy Independence Day!


Independence Day Quotes


Independence Day is an amazing opportunity to remind ourselves how hard we’ve worked for it. Through blood and tears, we fought for our freedom. We made our dreams a reality. Cheers to another year of independence!

Today is the day we pay respect to our beautiful nation. We’ve done so much to build our very own culture and heritage, so let’s celebrate it today. May this Independence Day be special for you and your loved ones.



Freedom is something you have to fight for. We’ve tried so hard to earn it, so let’s celebrate the fact that we are still have our freedom. Never let go of it and always carry it in your heart. Happy Independence Day!



Today we cherish the ones who made our independence possible. Freedom is hard to get, but we were blessed to have it. Let’s appreciate everything we have and celebrate the great miracle of freedom. Happy Independence Day.


Remembering our past is extremely important. But we also have to think about building our future. Let’s do everything to keep our freedom and carry it through the years. Happy Independence Day to the whole nation!

Independence Day Quotes
Independence Day Quotes


Today we celebrate the glory of freedom. We don’t understand the value of it until we lose it, so let’s remember about that and never let it go. Joy to the nation. Happy Independence Day!


Freedom should not be something you have to deserve. It’s something you just naturally have. Something that no one can take away from you. Let’s celebrate Freedom!



If a man takes away someone’s freedom, he no longer has his freedom as well. We need to unite and fight against people who think they have the right to own other people’s lives. Happy Independence Day! Let’s all celebrate the great Freedom!


Freedom is the most precious thing in every human’s life. No one has a right to take it away, and we need to do everything to protect our society from cruelty and violence. Happy Independence Day!



Freedom is for everyone. It doesn’t see colors or shapes. We’ve had enough of hate and violence, and now we need to build our new future, full of love and understanding. Let’s raise our glasses to Independence Day!



So blessed to be here today. Blessed to have a right to speak and to be heard. A right no one can take away from me. Let’s raise our glasses to the future full of understanding, appreciation and gratitude.


Independence Day Quotes
Independence Day Quotes

We all are so different, but there is one thing that unites us and it’s independence. We should honour it and never forget how hard it was to get it. Enjoy this beautiful Independence Day!


Without freedom, we don’t have a name, one vision, one identity, one nation. If our country is worth dying for during wars, we should also realize that it’s worth living for in time of peace!



Let us honour every patriot, because without them, freedom would not have existed. What they did, we can never repay. Happy Independence Day!



My love for my nation is worthiness. My love for my people is endless. All I desire for my country is happiness. Let me be the first person to wish you a special happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Quotes
Independence Day Quotes


It’s been more than two centuries since our grandparents won our first and most crucial battle, but we still can feel the taste of freedom and independence. It is something we will cherish until the end. Happy Independence Day!


This day is very significant for our country and each of us as its citizens. This is the day when the U.S. were formed. This is the day when we became free and independent officially. This is the day we’ll never forget. Happy Independence Day!



Let’s make a strong decision, to value our nation and never forget the sacrifices from those who gave us freedom. Happy Independence Day!



Happy Independence Day to everyone, I wish you all faith in the words, freedom in the mind and pride in your souls. Let’s salute this glorious nation on its Independence Day!


It is a great time for you to show the act of freedom. Make yourself known. Never follow others footsteps, free yourself, after-all you are independent! Happy Independence Day.



Let’s celebrate and enjoy the freedom giving us a possibility to live independently, helpfully, cheerfully, hopefully by reflecting on our past and remembering our national heroes who gave us total freedom after years of pain and humiliation.

From all of my heart I want to congratulate all people with this wonderful day. It‘s a big day for our country. Wish the best Independence Day!



Let’s salute our martyrs for the sacrifices they made and appreciate them for giving us today. Happy independence!



Independence is a special and precious gift of God. May our lives always remain independent, happy Independence Day.


As you celebrate this day, always have it in mind that no nation is perfect and it can only be made perfect by me and you. Happy independence, proud to be a citizen!



Let’s raise our hands and celebrate this day, let’s stand up so high to show respect for the great ones who died for our independence, let’s sing our national anthem with flags in hand and celebrate this wonderful day!

Your true freedom begins when you get to a point where you don’t have to impress anyone in life! Happy Independence Day!



So many people might have forgotten, but I never will, the colourful flag of my country, furls so high. Happy Independence Day.



Today, we stand up so high. Shed those tears as we all remember all that died for me, you and our whole country, risking their precious lives each and every day. To our martyrs, here is our salute. Happy Independence Day.


My heart beats with pride when I see the amazing colours of Independence spreading joy and happiness all around us. May the glory of this day be with you forever, happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Quotes
Independence Day Quotes


Hope you can feel the pride of being a part of this glorious nation. Here is my warm patriotic wish to make this unique day truly memorable.

On this day, we come together, we unite and make it another beautiful day to speak and fight against corruption while we spiral the flag of our beautiful nation.



Let’s make strong decisions to value our dear nation. We will never forget the sacrifice our freedom fighters had made. Now it’s our turn to reform the country. Happy Independence Day!


Thousands of people laid down their dear lives for our country to breathe this day, we should never forget their sacrifice…happy Independence Day!



Today is the day, that our nation sings aloud, this is the day, that our liberty bells rings aloud, this is the day we shall start to remember what we truly stands for and celebrate our independence. Happy Independence Day.



Celebrate the free spirit of our nation, may this Independence Day fill your life with joy and prosperity. Happy independence!

Freedom is in our minds, faith is in our words, pride is in our hearts and great memories are in our souls. Let’s celebrate our great nation on this Independence Day!



Today is a day to be celebrated,
Today is a day to be happy,
Today is a day to be independent,
So happy Independence Day!


This day is special and we all know why. It brought us freedom and happiness and we will never trade if for anything in the world, right? Happy Independence Day!



Being independent is what we all wanted.
Looking back, we fought a mighty battle,
And look at us now, we are a mighty country.
Happy Independence Day!



On this wonderful day, let us all remember and salute the soldiers who lay down their lives to protect our dear nation. Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day is here again, fire the guns and shout aloud for freedom, hail the stars and stripes forever, best flag in the world.



Being independent is everything we ever wanted. We fought for it bravely and we finally won it with the expense of so many lives. But if something threatens our independence, we’ll fight for it one more time! Have a great Independence Day!


After a hard fight we are independent now,
And we are proud of who we are.
It has always been this way.
Happy Independence Day!



Some people say that this day is not to be celebrated, but I often ask myself why. It’s a day which resembles a lot of happiness, because on this day we became and independent country! Happy Independence Day!



Being independent was the best thing that could have happened to our country. Without the final battle, we wouldn’t exist at all. That is why I’m so grateful it happened. Have a happy Independence Day!

The nation will forever remain the land of the free as long as it’s the home of soldiers and the braves. Happy Independence Day!

This day means life without boundaries and limits. It’s our freedom day, our Independence Day! Time to celebrate!



Can you imagine a day without a right to be free? I can’t. So, let’s celebrate our Freedom day!



Do you remember a film about Independence Day? I hope that this will never happen to us. Celebrate this day!


I want to congratulate all of us with our people freedom day. This day is a sign that we can do everything what we want to do. This is an amazing day!



On this day I want to congratulate our state and its people with Independence Day. This day is very significant in our history. Enjoy it!

I want to enjoy this unforgettable day. It‘s a day of our nation‘s success. Greet one another!



Happy Independence Day for all of us! Let this day be incredible. We have a right to be what we want.



It‘s a unique day for our nation. This day is special not only for our grandparents but also for us. Have a great independence day!


Let‘s start this day with important announcement. Today it‘s our independence day. I hope that all of you will have a great free day.



I know that you don‘t like any sophisticated days but today is time to celebrate our independence. It‘s a grand day!

Do you know what day is today? It‘s our freedom day. It gave us unlimited space to do everything that we want.



Today I wish to congratulate all people with this significant day. Our independence – it‘s our beginning of everything. Congratulations on this great day!



I‘m very happy that this day gave me an opportunity to be myself. I‘m free and independent person. It‘s very important for me.


It‘s a huge achievement for our state. We have a chance to be free. I am very glad!



Today is a great day for all of us. It‘s our freedom and independence day. I hope that it will never end.





Today’s Update

September 2021


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