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Independence Day: Buhari increases price of petrol as Nigeria clocks 60



Price of petrol in Nigeria has been increased by President Buhari.

OnyxNews Nigeria reports that President Muhammadu Buhari has announced a new price of petrol in the country on as the country celebrates its Independence.

The President stated that the new price of petrol in Nigeria will now sell N161 per litre, stressing that other nations such as Ghana, Niger, Chad Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries sell petrol on higher rate than Nigeria.


President Buhari said in the circumstances, a responsible government must face realities and take tough decisions.

Buhari increases price of petrol as Nigeria clocks 60

Petroleum prices in Nigeria are to be adjusted. We sell now at N161 per litre. A comparison with our neighbours will illustrate the point;


“Chad which is an oil producing country charges N362 per litre

“Niger, also an oil producing country sells 1 litre at N346.

“In Ghana, another oil producing country, petroleum pump price is N326 per litre.


“Further afield, Egypt charges N211 per litre. Saudi Arabia charges N168 per litre. It makes no sense for oil to be cheaper in Nigeria than in Saudi Arabia,” he said.

President Buhari insisted that for the country to grow and achieve development, Nigerians need to solidify their strength, increase their commitment and encourage themselves to do the right thing.






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