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How To Travel To Germany Without Visa Or Passport



How To Travel To Germany Without Visa Or Passport Have Been Shared By Onyxnewsng

Traveling to Germany without a Visa or a passport is actually possible, however, this process is not applicable to most countries outside of the EU.

If you are a citizen of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland, you only need a valid ID card or comparable document to enter Germany. If you come from any of these counties listed above, you can meet with the Bürgeramt or Bürgerbüro (administrative office for citizens).


A public authority, responsible for registering and deregistering persons who live in a certain area.

The Bürgeramt also issues passports and ID cards accept applications for driver’s licenses and issues parking permits, among other things. You are, however, required to have accommodation in Germany, either by lease or squat.

Which Countries can Enter Germany Without A Visa or a Passport?


The only countries permitted or allowed to enter Germany without a Visa are listed below: EU citizens: EU Member States are Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria,Poland,Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Cyprus. For nationals of these countries, a valid national identity card or official ID is enough for entering the country.

Members of the European Economic Area (EEA): Member States are Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Here, too, a valid national identity card or official ID is sufficient for entering the country.

Family members from third countries (spouses and underage, unmarried children) of EU citizens and nationals from EEA countries, provided that they have a valid residence title of another EU or EEA State.


Nationals of Switzerland Also, students from Andorra, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Monaco, and San Marino. They may enter without a visa if they do not intend to subsequently work in Germany. Side jobs, while you study, are excepted from this rule.

Nevertheless, you should visit a German diplomatic mission in your country (embassy or consulate-general) for further information before traveling to Germany. If you are not from any of the counties listed above, you are not permitted to enter Germany without a visa or passport, any action as such is considered illegal is punishable under the German Law travel immigrant act.

There are steps by steps methods you can use to apply for Work Visa, Student visa, or tourist visa.


If you are aspiring to study in Germany, it is important you enroll in any German school and ensure you are given admission before applying for the Germany Student Visa, this Visa gives you the right to study and do some side hustle.

But there is no how you can enter Germany without a visa if you are from any country outside the above list.

Also, visit Germany Official website to find out more about Visa Application





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January 2022


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